LastnameMaxwell Becker
Current employment
Profession/Specialization/DegreePh.D (Economics)
Work experience in the field of migration
Contact detailsDepartment of Economics, Duke University, 213 Social Sciences Building, Durham, NC 27708-0097 USA
Title of analytical work in the field of migrationBecker, Charles M., Grigory A. Marchenko, Vladimir Evliev, Sabit Khakimzhanov, and Ai-Gul S. Seitenova, 2009. PENSION REFORM IN TRANSITION ECONOMIES. New York: Palgrave – Macmillan./ (with David Bloom) ""The Demographic Crisis in the Former Soviet Union: Introduction."" World Development, 26(11), November 1998, pp. 1913-1920.
(with Kathryn Anderson) ""Post-Soviet Pension Systems, Retirement, and Elderly Poverty: Findings from the Kyrgyz Republic."" MOCT-MOST: Economic Policy in Transitional Economies 9(4), 1999, pp. 459-478.
(with Munir Quddus) ""Speculative Price Bubbles in the Rice Market and the 1974 Bangladesh Famine,” Journal of Economic Development, 25(2), December 2000, pp. 155-175.
(with Sergey Paltsev) “Macro-Experimental Economics in the Kyrgyz Republic: Social Security Sustainability and Pension Reform,” Comparative Economic Studies 43(4), Fall 2001, pp.1-34./ (with Erbolat Musabek, Ai-Gul Seitenova, and Dina Urzhumova), “Short-run migration responses of men and women during a period of economic turmoil: lessons from Kazakhstan.” Eurasian Geography and Economics 44(3), 2003, pp. 228-243./ (with Sergey Paltsev) “Economic consequences of demographic change in the former USSR: social transfers in the Kyrgyz Republic,” World Development 32(11), November 2004, pp. 1849-1870./ (with Ai-Gul Seitenova), “Kazakhstan’s pension system: pressures for change and dramatic reforms,” Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics 45(2), December 2004, pp. 151- 87. (with Dina Urzhumova) “Mortality recovery and stabilization in Kazakhstan,” Economics and Human Biology, 3(1), March 2005, pp. 97-122.
(with Akylai Muktarbek kyzy and Nurbek Jenish), “Toi story: the economics of ceremonies.” In progress
(with Nurgul Ukueva), “Private transfers in Kyrgyzstan’s post transition environment: results from a new household panel dataset,” paper presented at the 2011 ASSA meetings.
(with Kathryn Anderson and Nurgul Ukueva) “Urban and rural living standards in the Kyrgyz Republic: Why does anyone remain in the countryside?” unpublished ms. (2010 Western Economic Association presentation)
CountryUnited States